The human body is an amazing and complicated organism. The intricacies of the harmonious interactions protecting vital organs, especially the brain, while maintaining a smooth running vessel for our consciousness to reside, is simply amazing to behold.
There are many keys to maintaining this beautiful balance nature has provided. Chief among them is “Keep It Natural”, or KIN. Kin is an old expression, shortened from kinship, that is recognition of family members. If you were kin, you were good and accepted. If you were not kin, you were suspect and watched closely, if not completely rejected, even to the point of fighting.
In many ways this is how your body works. It looks for things it recognizes (kin) and fights against things that are foreign, or not kin. It is magical, it is mysterious, and it is complexly simple!
A Body ages due to many factors, but one that can be avoided is “starvation”. Yes, your body becomes starved for the building blocks needed to maintain both healthy organs and healthy skin (which is the body’s largest organ).
Did you know that what your skin absorbs is as important as what you eat & breathe? The body has several ways to ingest nutrients:
- Eating and Digestion
- Breathing
- Absorption Through the Skin
Therefore, it is imperative to watch closely what you Eat, Drink, Breathe, & Expose Your Skin to! Remember, the younger you start, the less damage that will be done, some of which is irreversible.
The very best thing you, as a thinking being, can do for your body’s health and well-being is “Keep It Natural” with everything you put ON or IN your body. Your skin absorbs products into the blood steam within 26 seconds, so, it is extremely important that you understand what is in your creams, lotions, and serums, and how the ingredients and chemical compounds may affect your skin and overall health. Therefore, to simplify your life it is best to always look for products that Keep It Natural to avoid unwanted consequences.
You don’t have to be a “health nut” to want the best for your body. You don’t have to research and dig to avoid ingredients your body will reject. You just need to do your best to buy quality natural products that are non-GMO, not subjected to unnatural fertilizers, weed killers, or insect repellents. Even natural fertilizers, like manure, can be contaminated if the animals producing the manure have had growth hormones and/or antibiotics. The sources your trusted supplier use must be trusted as well. Natural is only Natural, when it is Natural!
But, being KIN does take some homework, researching your selected product manufacturers is far easier than knowing what each chemical compound is that they put in their products. Use products that come from trusted companies.
One such company is Ology II, Inc., makers of O2 Tropical Magic Health & Skincare products. Ology II’s mantra is simple. KIN is the way every product is developed and produced. At no point does it introduce GMO or chemical compounds. Natural whole fruits, plants, minerals, vitamins, etc. are selected from the finest natural suppliers. Many of the ingredients grow wild and are harvested in tropical regions with no cultivation.
When your skin absorbs products applied the ingredients enter your blood stream quickly. This is where your body either accepts the ingredients, or rejects them. If rejected there is a battle to eliminate said ingredients from the body. This can be a effort to “kill” them, isolate them, or remove them through the skin, or through waste elimination via kidneys or intestines. Compounds are tolerated at different levels and responses differ with each. But, if the body rejects the compound it is unnecessary work to eliminate it.
Your Health & Beauty are important. In fact, that’s why the industry is $165B in annual sales. There are so many promotions and next great thing, it is hard to keep up. Truly Natural Products are extremely hard to find, and some Natural Product producers do take shortcuts. So, making the right selection is crucial to achieving the results you are looking for. However, that being said, any product that is mostly Natural is superior to one that is lab based.
What if I told you that adding lab produced Hyaluronic Acid, Collagen and the like, which the body produces naturally, is a waste of money, time and body resources? But, it is pitched at the public in ads constantly.
So, how do you get long term natural Hyaluronic Acid, Collagen and the like? The only way to do this is provide the body with the Natural Ingredients it is not getting through diet. An application of Natural lotions, creams and serums that contain these ingredients will provide the body with building blocks that it is starving for. The process improves the skin and general health, of the user, over time. This, however, will not wash off, or disappear within days, it is long lasting and semi-permanent. Yes, like any “Food” it must be provided to the body regularly to maintain. or improve the effects.
You owe it to yourself, your face, your body, to feed it only the best. But, the best doesn’t need to break the bank!
High quality, natural products can, and should be, affordable. Many are priced at exorbitant levels. These products are targeting “fashion snobs” that will often fall for slick marketing if the product is costly enough. Marketing is often their biggest budget item, as it is with major skincare/cosmetics companies. Ingredients and quality manufacturing should be the major expense of a quality product that provides noticeable and quantifiable results at a reasonable price. Quality skincare & healthcare should be moderately priced except in rare situations.
Self awareness it imperative when dealing with your body. One must stay cognizant of changes that occur over time. The body will tell you what it needs. Pay close attention to cravings, or changes in energy and awareness.
A good skincare routine is important to your overall health. Your face is vital in many ways. Quality skincare can provide nutrients that could improve eyesight, melt cataracts and revitalize tired eyes. The right products can help maintain sinus health as well. Natural products are seldom one dimensional. The overall effects can be quite broad and amazing to behold. Again, products like O2 Tropical Magic Natural Products may provide amazing benefits to users.
Terry McMurray
CEO Ology II, Inc., natural skin care, natural skincare, tropical magic, tropical skincare, tropical skin care, aluminum free, fluoride free, organic skincare, organic skin care, natural healthcare, natural health care, natural toothpaste, natural tooth paste, natural deodorant, natural antiperspirant, natural anti-aging, natural anti aging, liver spots, age spots, remove fine lines, remove wrinkles, lighten scars, natural herpes treatment, natural herpes cure, natural burn cream, natural burn treatment, hemorrhoid treatment, natural hemorrhoid treatment, burn cream, herpes treatment, herpes cure, sensitive skin deodorant, sensitive skin antiperspirant, natural face serum, tropical face serum, anti-aging serum, anti-aging cream, anti-aging lotion,